A friend of mine spent the weekend at the beach & reported, a bit shyly, that he tried several times to make some headway on a novel we have on the shelf at the Writers Festival office. Highly respected writer, beautiful stylist, painful narrative. I tried, he said, I really did. I could get through six or eight pages & then, well I dunno, I just couldn't hold onto the thread of it. I'm sure it's really good. It must be really good! But...
I realize I can remember many outdoor books--novels and poetry collections, even a few (impenetrable) critical tomes I plowed through when I was preparing for PhD exams. I mean, I can remember specific books, way back to childhood, & the exact sensation of reading them. I guess there's something about reading outside--you literally step out of the structures that contain you, then you step out of your own self & get swallowed up by language & story.
Which is why some books are great beach books: their speed & style hold onto you even when the flies bite you or the wind riffles your pages (or the 90-pound weakling kicks sand on your neighbor). These books pull you in & they keep you there. You may be aware of the world, but it becomes a little vague, like a face that's blurred out on a news clip.
Everybody's beach books are different. A lot of people choose mysteries or romance novels because you can count on them to have a strong plot, a few major impediments (can you call death an impediment?), and the kick of a good resolution. Occasionally the writing is so bad that you're distracted from the story line--which isn't so bad because then you have another kind of beach book, one that gives you some laughs along with a nice warm smug feeling. Others like historical fiction or comic books or who knows? There's probably somebody out there poring over a repair manual.
My beach books? I'm a sucker for character, so I want to trade in the confines of my house for the very different confines of a strongly built characters. And I want to know that a writer has something to say to me, that they've been paying attention to how actual people work in relation to one another, & in response to any imaginable force from the universe. When I come out of a book, I want to know a little bit more than when I went in. At the same time, I'm aware of those flies & that breeze & the always potent lure of sleep, so I want to gallop along, & I never want to feel like I'm working hard.
It that sounds like you, here's a few titles worth tracking down:
The Reinvention of Love, by Helen Humphreys. Okay, it's not out until the fall (there are perks to being the director of a writers festival!) but watch for it. Smart, thoughtful, brilliantly articulate--& steamy as all get-out.
The whole Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. I started reading these with my kids last year, & none of us could stop. Speedy, intense, & funny as hell--plus the most eccentric refresher course on Greek mythology.
Glimpse, by George Murray. This is a quirky collection of bite-size aphorisms that run the gamut of topics, from deep existential issues to ironing naked. (Those two aren't necessarily unrelated!)
The World is a Heartbreaker, by Sherwin Tja. A collection of pseudo-haikus--you'll understand when you see them. A back-up for Glimpse, in case you consume all the little parcels of sharply-observed wisdom & find yourself with an appetite for more.
What Is Your Dangerous Idea? edited by John Brockman. A pithy & brilliant (& sometimes bewildering) collection of unthinkable thoughts by today's leading thinkers. Served in small portions, but longer than a pseudo-haiku.
Any of the Inspector Banks novels by Peter Robinson. I'm a new convert, so many of you have already met this charming & sometimes infuriating maverick PI who finds & solves nasty cases in the dales of Yorkshire. Not too sweet, very polished, & brilliant on the character front.
Word Nerd, by Susin Nielsen. This one is technically a young adult novel, but hey, we've all been there! The hero (or anti-hero) is crippled by allergies, social ineptitude, & a very anxious mother. First love, necessary lies, and ex-con--and Scrabble. Funny & smart & very wise.
DeNiro's Game, by Rawi Hage. This one requires some heavy lifting. It begins in Beirut during the civil war, & follows a teenage boy out of that hell & into his own adulthood. It's a gripping story, sharpened by a surprising wit & occasionally collapsing borders between what is real & what cannot be real. Then again, in a war zone, those distinctions are far harder to determine.
Kilter: 55 Fictions, by John Gould. If you've never heard of postcard fiction, this is a great place to meet it. Short short stories, all compacted in on themselves & with just the right balance of humor & pathos. One small world followed by another, like an exquisitely prepared, unhurried meal. Short naps are the perfect palate cleanser.
I'm barely warmed up! Luckily it's still July...
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